Checklist For Getting a JAD Started
- Define the Project
The JAD Project Leader meets with the Project Sponsor to complete a JAD Project Charter.
- Form the JAD Group
The Project Leader and Project Sponsor form the JAD Group making sure you have all affected areas represented. You will need a Project Sponsor, Project Leader, Business Users and Systems Analysts. A JAD Group should have 8 or fewer total members. It is hard to be effective with more than 15 members.
- First JAD Meeting - Kick off Meeting
Your first JAD meeting may have the following agenda items:
○ Share problem definition and overall goal. Get consensus on these two items.
○ Train each member of the new group on what a JAD Group is so they will understand the purpose, the roles and how a JAD works.
○ Establish JAD Group expectations/responsibilities.
○ Determine meeting frequency, time and place.
○ Determine roles - Project Sponsor, Project Leader, Record Keeper, Timekeeper, Clients.
○ Continue holding JAD meetings approximately every week or every other week until you have reached consensus on a design.
- JAD Meetings - Planning, Analysis, Design Phase
○ Review the current process - map it out
○ Identify Problems/Challenges in the current process
○ Brainstorm solutions for those problems and challenges
○ Benchmark other organizations for possible solutions
○ Consider Buy vs. Build
○ Survey your customers for problems and ideas
○ Evaluate list of generated ideas
○ Determine your course of action - tasks to be accomplished
○ Develop your timebox - list of tasks, who is assigned and when each task is due.
○ Present the Project Design to the Project Sponsor and Representative Customers and Get the Thumbs Up
○ Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
- JAD Meetings - Development, Execute, Finish Phase
Meet every 2 weeks to make sure the development stays on track
Agenda - how did we do on our goals?
Agenda - how did we do on our goals?
○ Discuss problems and challenges
○ Make decisions jointly
○ Set goals for next meeting
○ Assign tasks
Assign as many of the project duties as possible to members of the JAD this helps build buy in and a feeling of ownership towards the project.
Checklist For Getting a JAD Started
مراجعة Eljoker
10:22 م
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