Classification of E-commerce by transaction partners
Following are the Classification of E-commerce by transaction partners.
i) Business-to-business (B2B)
i) Business-to-business (B2B)
Business-to-business (B2B) is the exchange of products, services or information between business entities. Web based B-to-B includes:
- Direct selling and support to business: In which customers can by and also get technical support from the business.
- E-procurement (also known as industry portals): Where a purchasing agent can shop for supplies from vendors, request proposals, and in some cases, bid to make a purchase at a desired price.
- Information sites: It provides information about a particular industry for its companies and their employees. These include specialized search sites and trade and industry standards organization sites.
The exchange of products, information or services between business and consumers in a retailing relationship. Some of the first examples of B-to-C e-commerce were and in the USA and in the UK. In this case, the 'c' represents either consumer or customer.
iii) Business-to-Government(B2G)
The exchange of information, services and products between business organizations and government agencies on-line. This may include.
- E-procurement services: In which business learn about purchasing needs of agencies and provide services.
- A virtual workplace: In which business and government agency could coordinate the work on a contracted project by collaborating on-line to coordinate on-line meetings, review plans and manage progress.
- Rental of on-line application and databases: These are especially for use by government agencies.
iv) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
In this category consumers interact directly with other consumers. They exchange information such as.
- Expert knowledge: Where one person asks a question about anything and gets an e-mail reply from the community of other individuals, as in the case of the New York Times-affiliated website.
- ·Opinions: About companies and products, for example
v) Government-to-Business (G2B)
The exchange of information, services and products between government agencies and business organizations. Government sites now enable the exchange between government and business of:
- Information, guidance and advice for business on international trading, sources of funding and support, facilities.
- A database of laws, regulations and government policy for industry sectors.
- On-line application and submission of official forms.
- On-line payment facilities.
This improves accuracy, increases speed and reduces costs, so businesses are given financial incentives to use electronic-form submission and payment facilities.
vi) Government-to-Consumer (G2C)
Government sites offering information, forms and facilities to conduct transactions of individuals, including paying bills and submitting official forms on-line such as tax returns.
vii) Government-to-Government (G2G)
Government-to-government transactions within countries linking local governments together and also international governments.
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Classification of E-commerce by transaction partners
مراجعة Eljoker
11:31 م
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