Network Reference Models (Network Architectures)
The two most important reference modes are listed below
i) The OSI reference model and
ii) The TCP/IP reference model
i) The OSI reference model
The users of computer network are located over a wide physical range i.e. all over the world. Therefore, to ensure that nationwide and worldwide data communication systems can be developed and are compatible to each other and international group of standards has been developed. These standards will fit into a framework which has been developed by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO). The OSI model is not a protocol rather it is a model of underlying designing a network architecture which is flexible, robust and interoperable.
ii) The TCP/IP reference model
i) First design goal was to have an ability to connect multiple networks together in a seamless way.
ii) Another goal was the network should be able to survive loss of subnet hardware with existing conversation not being broken.
iii) Next, a flexible architecture was needed to deal successfully with the divergent requirements of various applications.
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Network Reference Models (Network Architectures)
مراجعة Eljoker
1:53 ص
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