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MCQ of C# with Answer set-3

MCQs in C#
MCQs in C#
1. The general syntax for declaring an enumeration in C# is .

A) <enum_name> enum {enum list};

B) enum <enum_name> {enum list};

C) <enum_type> enum <enum_name> {enum list};

D) None of the above

2. State True or False for the difference between classes and structures.

i) Structures do not support inheritance

ii) Structure can have default constructor

iii) Classes are reference types and structures are value types.

A) i- True, ii- False, iii-True

B) i- False, ii- True, iii-True

C) i-True, ii-True, iii-False

D) i- False, ii- False, iii-True

3. The various techniques provided by C# to implement static polymorphism is/are

i) Function overloading

ii) Static overloading

iii) Operator overloading

A) i and ii only

B) i and iii only

C)  ii and iii only

D) All i, ii, iii

4. Operator overloading is creating functions with special names, the keyword ........................ operator followed by the symbol for the operator being defined.

A) Overload

B) Update

C) Operator

D) Implement

5. Match the following operators in C# with their description for the operator overload property.

i) +, -, !, ~, ++, --            a) cannot be overloaded

ii) ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=    b) cannot be overloaded directly

iii) &&, ||                         c) take one operand and can be overloaded

iv) =, ., ? :, ->                  d) can be overload

A) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b

B) i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d

C) i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a

D) i-a, ii-c, iii-d, iv-b

6. Match the following preprocessor directives in C# with their description?

i) #elif                      a) specifies the end of conditional directive

ii) #endif                   b) allows to undefine a symbol.

iii) #undef                  c) allows creating compound conditional directive

A) i-b, ii-c, iii-a

B) i-b, ii-c, iii-a

C) i-c, ii-a, iii-b

D) i-a, ii-c, iii-b

7. The operator symbols can be used for the conditional directives in C# is/are.

i) = = (equality)         ii) ! = (inequality)            iii) && (and)

iv) || (or)                   v) >= (grater than or equal to)

A) i, ii  iii and iv only

B) i, iii and iv only

C) i, ii, iii and v only

D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

8. Conditional directives are beginning with a ...................... directive and must be terminated with ....................... directive and must be terminated with .............. directive.

A) #if, #endif

B) #start, #end

C) #elif, #endelif

D) Both A and B

9. The keywords provided by C# for exception handling are.

i) try             ii) catch             iii) finally             iv) tryif             v) throw

A) i, ii and iii and iv only

B) ii, iii and iv and v only

C) i, ii and iii and v only

D) All i, ii, iii and iv

10. The ................... block is used to execute a given set of statement, whether the exception is thrown or not.

A) try

B) tryif

C) finally

D) throw


1.   B) enum <enum_name> {enum list};
2.   A) i- True, ii- False, iii-True
3.   B) i and iii only
4.   C) Operator
5.   C) i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a
6.   C) i-c, ii-a, iii-b
7.   A) i, ii and iii and iv only
8.   A) #if, #endif
9.   C) i, ii and iii and v only
10. C) finally

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MCQ of C# with Answer set-3 مراجعة Eljoker يوم 9:42 ص التقييم: 5

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