Solved MCQ of Management Information System set-1
1. Which of the following is NOT an objective of MIS?
A) Facilitate the decisions-making process
B) Provide requisite information at each level of management
C) Support decision-making
D) recruit people for system
2. In MIS system design, the sources of information may be categorized as ............... and ...............
A) internal, external
B) personal, organizational
C) useful, unuseful
D) constructive, destructive
3. What among the following are the primary characteristics that information must process?
English: Business Process Reengineering Cycle (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
i) Relevance ii) Availability
iii) Timeliness iv) Accuracy
A) Only i, ii, and iii
B) Only ii, iii and iv
C) Only i, iii and iv
D) All i, ii, iii, and iv
4. Which of the following models are developed on the principles of business management, accounting and econometrics?
A) Behavioral model
B) Management science models
C) Operations research models
D) Policy making models
5. An ...................... is a set of processes and procedures that transform data into information and knowledge.
A) information system
B) Knowledge system
C) Database system
D) Computer system
6. A system is called ..................... when the inputs, process and the outputs are known with certainty.
A) Probablistics
B) Deterministic
C) Open
D) Close
7. Which of the following steps is/are the implementation plans involved in MIS?
i) Preparing organizational plans
ii) Planning of work flow
iii) Training of personnel
iv) Development of software
v) Acquiring computer hardware
A) i, ii and iii only
B) i, ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
8. Which of the following is included in the Office automation systems?
i) Word processing
ii) Electronic mail
iii) Voice mail
iv) Electronic calendaring
v) Audio conferencing
A) i, ii, iii and v only
B) i, ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
9. In a typical ................ network, application processing is shared between clients and one more servers.
A) client server computing
B) cloud computing
C) mobile computing
D) data computing
10. The .................... is defined as a set of activities performed across the organization creating as output of value to the customer.
A) development process
B) business process
C) quality process
D) customer focus
1. D) recruit people for system
2. A) internal, external
3. A) Only i, ii, and iii
4. B) Management science models
5. A) information system
6. B) Deterministic
7. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
8. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
9. A) client server computing
10. B) business processYou Might also view the following Related Posts
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Solved MCQ of Management Information System set-1
مراجعة Eljoker
11:55 م
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